Working from home definitely has its perks! You’re saving money on gas, not wasting time driving to work and don’t have the distractions an office setting can sometimes have. However, there are also some not-so-great things about your office being at your home and your home being your office. If you get in a funk sometimes because you work from home, I’m sharing 5 easy ways to stay motivated, so you can be your most productive self.
If you’re wanting to work on being more productive in the morning, you’ll love this post HERE.
Easy Ways To Stay Motivated When You Work From Home

Get out of loungewear
You’ve probably heard this tip before but that’s because it’s true. In order for your brain to switch from cozy-at-home mode to work mode, you have to get dressed! This made a big impact for me during postpartum as well. When you get dressed for the day, you will be more productive! Here are some comfortable, but put-together items to give you some OOTD inspo.
Set your priorities for the day
The next easy way to stay motivated when you work from home is to set your priorities for the day. If you’re going through the day without defining specific tasks, you will finish up the day feeling like you accomplished nothing. Pick out the top 3 must-do items for the day and intentionally write them down in your planner or somewhere you will see them. I recently switched to digital planning on my iPad, and I use the reminder app to do this! Try to knock out those top 3 must-do tasks as early as possible, before lunch if you can.
Set work hour boundaries
The third easy way to stay motivated is to set work boundaries. If you’re self-employed like I am, this can be a hard one to follow. But I’ve learned that having set work hours during the day sets those boundaries. Then, I get tasks completed during that time frame, instead of feeling like I have to work through lunch or late at night.
Plan out social time and stick to it
Even homebodies need some social time every now and then! I used to feel like I didn’t have any time to dedicate to seeing friends, and that’s a dead giveaway that you’re burning yourself out. I know when I have dinner with girlfriends, my cup feels full and I end up enjoying work more. So make some plans to get out of the house and stick to them.
Give yourself a goal
The final easy way to stay motivated is to give yourself a goal. If you’re someone who needs external motivation, give yourself a goal and reward yourself when you accomplish it. It can be something as simple as a trip to the nail salon, or something bigger if you have a bigger goal in mind. You can also set up simple and free goals for day-to-day. For example, when you complete this task, you can watch an episode of your favorite TV show. Whatever will help motivate you to complete the task!
What’s an easy way for you to stay motivated while you work? Let me know in the comments below!
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