
Earlier this month I turned 31. I’m not going to lie I was a little sad to see 30 go.

I definitely wasn’t someone who was dreading turning 30. In fact, it was the opposite and I felt so ready for it. There is so much waiting and uncertainty throughout your 20’s, and I was happy to leave that behind. 30 felt more steady.

My 30th year was a good year for me. I paid off my student loans from physical therapy school, I attended my first rStheCon, traveled to Asheville, Sarasota, Nashville, London, Paris, and New York City, and I quit my full-time job to have more time for Strawberry Chic. I still work as a PT, just with more manageable hours to balance both.

This year, I learned how important traveling is for your personal growth. It’s easy to feel guilty taking time off, or spending the money on travel, but now I see how much of a personal investment it actually can be! I’m definitely looking forward to expanding my travel this year, and bring you along with me 🙂

Moving forward, I’m excited to see more personal growth, confidence in my business, and fostering my friendships.

Thank you for reading along with me this year,



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