Well it has been a while since I’ve done a Workout Wednesday post! Shame on me, but we’re moving on. I’ve had some request to bring back the series and today I’m starting off by sharing a breakfast smoothie I’ve been loving. It’s super quick, has a good blend of nutrients, and most importantly it’s delicious. My roommate and I have been cooking and staying on the same healthy diet (definitely recommend because it keeps you accountable and you share cooking/dish duties!). We made it even easier by measuring out the fruit into individual zip locks so we can just grab the correct amount in the morning. I use a chocolate protein from Lifetime Fitness, however you can use vanilla or whatever protein you enjoy!

smoothie, fitness, breakfast, healthy, protein shake

As you could see I couldn’t wait for a sip before taking the picture.

PS: This post is not sponsored by SweetWater. 

Thanks for reading!


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