Shop each look in order here: 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 

It’s time to shop for your Fall must haves because the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is finally here for early access card holders! This is the sale of all sales, because everything included is NEW and upcoming for the next season. You can actually wear your purchases throughout the entire season instead of shopping the rejects at the end and hoping it’s still in style or fits next year. The good stuff always sells out, so if you’re not already a card holder you can sign up here to shop it early. If you’re not comfortable opening/using a credit card you can opt for Nordstrom debit instead, which is what I did. This way any purchase comes directly from my bank account while still getting all the perks. I found the best place to start in the sale was looking under the outfit tab. If I liked an overall look I could click and shop every piece in the outfit on the same page. I featured my favorites above!

Here are some individual selections to give you an idea of the sale. After scrolling through the selection, I’m already craving a pumpkin spices latte..  

The sale goes public on July 17th, so if you want to hold out till then get your shopping list ready!


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