I hope everyone had a wonderful time ringing in 2015 last night! I spent it with my boyfriend and bestie in a new neighborhood of Atlanta for us. Cheers to 2015 being the best one yet. Also, thank you to each and every one of you for being apart of and supporting me here on SCxo. I wanted to share some of my resolutions with y’all to reflect back on during the year..and also keep me accountable!
1. Stick with a “grown up” skincare routine – I get in phases where I just use a makeup wipe and moisturize, but I need to add my clarisonic back into a regular routine and find a system I can use consistently. If you have any recommendations let me know! Currently I’m using this face wash and this moisturizer. Look for a skin care routine in a few weeks!
2. Study more than the minimum – I’ve gotten really lazy with school and only study for upcoming tests. This year I want to be better with my readings and learn as much as I can before clinicals start in the fall.
3. Take a trip(s) somewhere new– I have a major trip itch lately and for 2015 I want to get out of my bubble and explore more. I think this started when I was picking clinical sites for my third year in school. I want to do one in a new city, but I’m super indecisive so it’s stressing me out more than it should. Actually, being less indecisive should be a resolution, but I only want to set reachable goals 😉
4. Eat healthier – duh. Gets me every year. However this year I also want to expand my cooking. While at school I order Papa Johns and eat out way more than I should… This year I want to try new recipes at home (I tend to make the same things and most of those just involve heating in a microwave).
5. Better posture – If you didn’t know I’m in Physical Therapy school, this resolution now makes more sense to you.. haha. This is something I really need to work on, especially while in lectures!
I’d love to hear some of your resolutions!

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