You know those items that catch you by surprise when you come across them? This sweater certainly did that as I was browsing through Target on my lunch break. The velvet bow tied detail had me at hello, not to mention the material is very soft! That’s not always the case with affordable sweaters. I’m very drawn to this color recently, it’s the perfect mix of rusty rose and pink.
I paired it with a suede skirt from Old Navy. In all honestly it’s not my favorite, and I’ve since bought this one with a little better quality. But it is a good affordable option if you’re not wanting to spend too much.
I styled this scarf on my handbag in my Fall Essentials video last week. They’re such a versatile accessory to have in your wardrobe. I love the color combination of navy and rust in this one.
As for my boots, I bought these last season and have worn them so much in the last year. They have over 1.1K near 5 star reviews, so I don’t think I’m the only one who loves them. They’re really comfortable and give you just a little height.
Velvet Bow Tied Sweater
* * *
Tim and I had the best time over the weekend celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary (see our one year celebration here). We had a little staycation at The Hotel at Avalon. You can see what we were up to on their Instagram account later this week. I’ll let you know when it’s live!
xo Amanda John

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