georgia home tee, the home t

Every time I wear this shirt  from The Home T I get at least one person to feel how soft it is. You may recognize them from Shark Tank, and their claims are true- the shirt is insanely soft! No matter what state you call home, you can rep yours stylishly and my favorite- comfortably. Plus, they support a great cause by donating a MINIMUM of 10% of their proceeds to MS research…learn more about the disease here

There are so many ways to style them, but I paired mine (size small) with my trusty white jeans to lighten the look and paired it with this field jacket (similar) and booties (love these, lots of similar options here) for the pretty fall day. I definitely want to add a tank to my collection, and I think they would make a great gift year-round. I mean, how cute are the baby onesies!? 

Happy Monday peeps, I’m finally back! 


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