Hi Friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve done a more personal post here on my blog, but there has been so much going on the last few months I just wanted to have some good ole girl talk with y’all today and share a few updates!

Life and Home Updates – Prepping for Baby J
home updates
When Tim and I first found out we were pregnant last October, we initially thought we wanted to move into a new home for more space – not only to accommodate a new baby, but both of us work from home and could use more office space and storage. We started looking at new construction and homes, but I was feeling very rushed and overwhelmed. Eventually, we decided earlier this year to stay in our current home and make it work while we save up for a more long term purchase.
With that being said, making the current house work for us will take some strategic planning and re-organizing. We’ve been here for four years, and there are a lot of projects and home purchases I’ve put off thinking – I’ll wait for the next house. But I decided to stop waiting for the next step, and start enjoying the now. So we have quite a few projects on my radar over the next few months that I’ll break down below.
upcoming house projects
I wanted to pop in this little vlog when I was 21 weeks because I walk through a lot of the home projects I mention below!
decluttering and organizing
This week kicked off a major decluttering and organization project around the house. Right now, it feels like I’m looking up at a very big mountain with all the projects and to do’s to get done in the next few months before Baby J’s arrival. But thankfully, my Mom and project manager, has been a huge help! Thus far, we have organized all the closets around the house except for my office room. I’m having to think through how it will be the most functional for Tim and I once he moves his office into it with me. That will be interesting! 🙂
The future nursery is currently Tim’s office, workout room, his extra storage, and a guest room, so we had to open up space in other areas of our house and get strategic with what to do with all our stuff. But I think we finally have a good game plan but I’m sure it will evolve as we test out the function of each new space.
I’ve started scrolling Pinterest for some nursery inspiration, but honestly, there are other areas in our home I want to tackle before I commit to that project. I don’t plan to go too over the top with it, but we’ll see when that time comes. I’ll share more on the plans once we announce the gender this week!
home projects
Once I start thinking about home projects, it always seems to waterfall into all the things – anyone else?? I have a long list of updates that would be nice, but these are the top priority right now.
new carpets
One thing I’ve never loved in our home is the shaggy carpet upstairs. I try to cover it as much as possible in my office if you couldn’t tell! We’re having someone come next week to get a quote to switch out the carpets, and I can’t wait for that project to be over and done with.
master bathroom
I don’t even use our master shower because I prefer the guest bathroom, so it’s time to tackle a mini bathroom renovation. We want to tile the shower, get a new shower door, paint the vanity and add hardware, and switch out the builder grade mirror. Once the mirrors come down we will probably need to paint in there, too.
The nursery is the main priority for painting. There is currently a GREEN chalkboard wall in there from the previous owner that I’ve mentally ignored for years haha. But before we change the carpets we may switch up the paint in the other bedrooms, well see! I would also love to touch up the white paint on the kitchen cabinets where there’s been some wear and tear and maybe finish off some trimming on our island while we’re at it. This is an example of how the home project ideas waterfall into more lol.
home purchases

There are quite a few spaces I want to freshen up. One thing I’ve noticed when I get on a home decor kick is it’s hard for me to stay focused on one space or item at a time. I can be searching for a couch, then suddenly I’m looking at lamps and chairs, dining tables… and have a million tabs open.
Here are a few smaller things I’ve recently purchased. I thought this storage basket would be practical to eventually hide baby items in the main living space and also complete an awkward corner. I also bought a new round dining table that should arrive next week. We’ve been using my parent’s dining table that’s over 35 years old, so it was time.
living room
One of the items on the top of my radar is a new couch. Right now this couch is on the top of my list, but I need to sit in a few more before making a decision. I’m going to move our living room rug upstairs to our bedroom (seen below) once the carpets get changed and replace it with a more kid-friendly option. If you have a rug recommendation, please let me know! Rugs are hard to visualize.. especially when buying one online.
Our bedroom has always been the last thing on my radar since only Tim and I see it, but now I’m motivated to complete the space and make it an inviting and relaxing space. I know I’ll be spending a lot of time in there during postpartum recovery. Last year I purchased this tufted bed and the pillows shown below. The chests I originally found for the mock up were way too large, but I think I’ve decided on these nightstands for extra storage. I need to order some new curtains to soften the transom window space we have above the bed. Here’s a little visual of what I have in my head!

Since Tim and I will be most likely sharing an office soon, I might design a second filming space in the nook of our bedroom if he happens to have a call when I need to film. If you’re curious to see our current home decor, I have it listed out by rooms here!
baby J update
This week I had my anatomy scan and oh my gosh, it was unreal to see! I haven’t had an ultrasound since 7 weeks, so it was reassuring to see all the growth Baby J has done over the last few months. We also confirmed the gender, which I’ll be sharing next week. I’ll also share a few of the purchases I’ve made, but I’m containing myself until our house is ready for more stuff, haha!
Since my first trimester update, I have been feeling so much better thankfully. My nausea is gone, my motivation is back, and I so much more energy to get off the couch. I’m so thankful to be feeling more like myself lately! We don’t have any names on our radar yet, and knowing me I would be surprised if it’s set in stone before the birth. I’m guilty of overthinking things and it seems like a big commitment right now 🙂
Something on my mind right now is whether or not we should plan a babymoon and baby shower. It’s definitely complicated being pregnant during the pandemic, and I’m not going to lie that it hasn’t added extra stress with decisions you wouldn’t normally have to make. And I know it’s silly, but since a part of my life is on the internet I feel the additional weight on my shoulders knowing no matter what decision I make, I will hear other people’s opinions. I won’t lie and say that doesn’t weigh into our decision more than it should, just a reality of my life on the internet. We are considering going to Scottsdale in March, but we’re going to play it by ear for now and may do a beach road trip instead. If we do go somewhere, I hope to get some of the bigger home projects and painting completed while we’re out of the house for a bit.
personal update
To be honest I think I think I’ve removed even more of my personal life from my content over the last year. I’m sure it’s normal, but as someone who overanalyzes things I’ve always struggled with being myself on the internet, and it has felt especially amplified over the last year with all the hurt the world has seen. When I get on Instagram Stories, I re-watch every slide multiple times to make sure I didn’t joke or say something that could potentially be taken the wrong way. I’ve always been this way, but the last year it’s been amplified and I’ve been even more reserved to have any sort of opinion.
Mentally, I’ve started removing things that have triggered an un-welcomed reaction from me, because there is no need to let it. I deleted Facebook off my phone because I found I was constantly checking my feed throughout the day and it was something I didn’t even enjoy or care about.. it was more just an unhealthy habit that had to go.
I also muted people’s stories on Instagram who riled me up, especially during the election, lol. There has been growing turmoil and increased cancel culture in the online space over the last year. Some people feel influencers should speak up about certain topics and I have never felt that way personally. I’ve always been someone who keeps to myself, so it’s been interesting to navigate other people’s louder opinions on social media over the last year. I’m not saying I don’t think it’s ok for others to do what they feel is right or important, but that everyone is entitled to their own comfort levels and boundaries on the internet, and making their own big girl decisions, ya know?
I’ve always kept politics, religion, and current events out of my content and I will continue to do so. I am not the news. I’m not sure why I’m writing all of this out, but I figured if I’m having these thoughts there are others out there, too. If you need to clear up some mental sanity, considering how you can remove triggers and setting online boundaries is a great place to start. Your life OFF social media should always be top priority.
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Thanks for reading my little life update! I feel like this post turned into a little mental brain dump, but it feels good getting these thoughts out! Have a great week ahead!

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