Now that the initial overwhelm is wearing off from the decluttering and reorganizing we (mostly) completed last month, I’m ready to start putting my focus on the nursery plans! I know furniture shipping is pretty delayed right now, so I wanted to check off some decisions so everything arrives in time.
Baby Girl Nursery Inspiration
It’s no secret I love the feminine combo of pink, white, and gold, but I also love vintage and french country touches. I still want to mix in some modern touches and not go too overly themed with the design, and use pieces she can grow into. Here are a few of the pins I’ve saved to my inspiration board recently.

nursery plans for baby j
When I made this inspiration board I was originally thinking we’d do a board and batten, but now I’m set on a more feminine Parisian trimming for the walls in the nursery. I’m leaning towards painting it white, but I may be tempted to do a soft beige pink, we’ll see once we get a few samples up!
I love the closet organization above, so I want to try and DIY the project with an Ikea shelf I currently have. It’s not a top priority before baby girls arrival, but it’s on the to-do list if we have time. The beaded chandelier is currently in our master bedroom nook, so we’re going to switch it to the nursery and go for something a little more transitional for our space.
I recently fell in love with these pretty chinoiserie panels I’m tempted to frame for the walls, but they are a bit of a splurge so I’m going to think about it!

We’re also completing our master bedroom design, and my plans for the little nook in our room are to make that a mini nursery for the newborn stage and also add another floor-length mirror for a secondary filming space. I’m looking at a few bassinets (this one and this one) because I want something pretty for the bedroom but obviously functional, too. I originally thought we would go with the halo bassinet I see everywhere, but I think it may be a little too big and bulky. Have any feedback for me on bassinets??
We’re still working on cleaning out the room, but I can’t wait to get started and share the final look with you in a few months.

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