Welcome to the new Strawberry Chic!
I am the type of person who decides if I want something, I want it to happen right away. This blog re-design is the perfect example. The last two weeks I started browsing for new templates for Strawberry Chic, and over the weekend I decided to jump ship and make it happen. I don’t want to add how many hours I spent getting it up and running without a plan in place, but the result is well worth it!
The new design is light and airy, and perfectly reflects my feminine style. I hope to bring you an easier browsing experience, and better serve you here in the future. You can see the same menu options at the top, however the drop down options are more organized. If you’re looking for something specific, there is a search button in the top right corner.
The sidebar has more information, including a quick link over to my YouTube channel, my favorite places to shop, and popular posts you may be interested in. Take a look around and let me know what you think. Be sure to check out the new shop page while browsing. It includes multiple boutiques so you can shop what you’re looking for all in one space.
I am still playing around with things, so if you have any recommendations don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts on the design and functionality of the sidebar and surrounding content.
I’m excited for my upcoming content and what’s in store for Strawberry Chic! Thank you so much for following along.
xo Amanda John
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