cardio workout, total body workout, workout, circuit, HIIT workout

On Saturdays, I like to get outside for my workouts (as long as it’s early or the suns not out.. I do have strawberry blonde hair after all). Last Saturday, I checked out a new trail in downtown Woodstock and definitely recommend it if you’re in the area. When I was running, I decided to incorporate a circuit in at the benches, because why not? There were of course walking breaks 🙂

Exercise explanation: Angled bench press, your choice to have your hands or feet elevated. I went with my hands on the bench so I could go straight into angled mountain climbers, just alternating knee tucks. The shoulder push-up didn’t use the bench, just place your feet and hands relatively close together for a push-up to target your shoulders (you should look like this.. ^) . Then I performed a quick high knee, touching each foot on the end of the bench. From here, a basic step up at a controlled pace, 10 on each side. Finally, lay down on the end of the bench and perform either straight leg raises together or a single leg raise. 

Let me know if you try it!



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