All of the steps that go into curating your own blog are creatively rewarding. But one thing that gets some people stuck is coming up with a name. That’s actually one of the biggest challenges I hear – “How do I come up with a creative blog name?” But I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be hard.
The first thing you need to consider is what your blog is going to be about. You don’t want your blog name to be related to fashion, if it’s going to focus on travel with just a sprinkling of fashion-related content. Your blog name should tell the reader it’s more of a travel blog than anything. The only caveat to that would be if you want to name your blog your own name. Many popular blogs are named after their creators. I list a few tips on naming your blog your own name in this post.
Other things to consider when naming your blog is to check if the name you’re considering is available on social media platforms you want to use and the domain is available to create a blog.
Those are some general tips to keep in mind. But now I want to get into my specific, step-by-step guide to creating a catchy blog name that will stand out from the crowd.

How to Name Your Blog
Choose a Name That’s Not Easily Mixed Up
Many blogs have two descriptive words related to their niche as their name, like “Pearls and Sequins” or “Ruffles and Cashmere.” While it lets the reader know that it’s most likely a fashion blog, those words are easy to mix up. You don’t want someone trying to find you on social media to think, “Was it Ruffles and Pearls or Cashmere and Sequins?”
You want your target audience to be able to easily search your name and tell their friends about your blog. So make sure it’s not a name that can easily get mixed up with someone else’s or worse, forget what your name even was.
Research Existing Blog Names
Researching existing blog names is a way to get your creative ideas flowing. It doesn’t even have to be related to your niche. You can get ideas from many different types of blogs. I don’t say this so that you can take bits and pieces from someone else’s blog name and put them together. But it’s a way for you to think outside the box of what you might have been thinking about previously.
Let’s say you come across a really unique food blog name, it might spark an idea that you might not have thought about. Be sure to write down what you find most interesting, so you can refer back to them.
Choose a Name That Can Grow with You
When you’re choosing a blog name, you want to be sure the name can grow with you as a blogger. If your goal is to be blogging for a long time, you want your name to be relevant to you years down the road. For instance, if you created a blog name called “Fancy 22-Year-Old Fashion” (stay with me), your 30-year-old self might not appreciate that. You want your personal branding to be evergreen and that you’re proud to talk about no matter what stage of life you’re in.

Use Inspiration From Your Favorite Books, Movies, Songs or Quotes
Do you have a favorite book, movie or quote? Use those as inspiration for your blog name. Do you have a life mantra you live by? Try using that as inspo for your name. I love when someone has a story behind the name of their blog. I know that’s not always possible to have, but it makes you that much more passionate about it.
For example, if you love Nora Jones, you know she has a song “Come Away with Me.” Play with that song title or the lyrics to create a unique travel blog name.
I named my blog Strawberry Chic because I’ve always had unique strawberry blonde hair, and then chic because, well I LOVE fashion and that’s what my blog is all about. You just have to be willing to dig a little deep for inspiration, and the perfect name for a successful blog will be there!
Make Sure It’s Easy to Spell, Remember and Pronounce
These tips are pretty obvious right? But they.are.important! Please don’t overcomplicate the name of your blog. You want people to easily search your blog name on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Google or wherever else someone’s searching. You DON’T want them sitting at the search bar thinking, “How was that really good blog I heard about spelled again?” And then they give up and not search for you. Disastrous right? Your name has to be easy to spell and easy to remember.
The name also has to be easy to pronounce. A lot of growth comes from people talking about your blog either through random conversation, on their Instagram stories, etc. The worst situation would be if someone read one of your blog posts that resonated with them, and they didn’t share it or want to talk about just because they were unsure how to pronounce your blog name.
Use a Blog Name Generator
A helpful tool to use when you’re feeling really stuck is a blog name generator. Many different sites offer this type of service. You type in keywords or phrases in the search bar, and the generator lists different domain names that are available for purchase. Some names are better than others. At the very least, they help spark ideas that you might not have otherwise thought of.

Play with Words Related to Your Niche
A fun way to get good ideas flowing is to write down any word you can think of related to your niche. For example, if your niche is fashion, words like chic, look, vogue, trendy, casual, style, designer would be a few to write down. I’d recommend writing them on a big board or on slips of paper to put on your wall. That way you can see them all at once. With those ideas, you can string words or phrases together that are suitable with your personal style and fashion interests.
Create a Mood Board
If you’re a visual person, creating a mood board might be a good way to not only name your blog, but also help you define the look and feel you want your blog to have. After all, this is your personal blog, and it should reflect your personality and style. On the mood board, you can include words and phrases, colors, fonts and pictures to help layout your vision for your brand.
If you love neutral colors, include all the tones you love. You’ll also want to include the fonts you want to use for your blog and/or social media platforms like Instagram stories and Pinterest. Establish what you want your Instagram feed to look like. Do you want to use presets? If so, which ones? Establishing these little details first will help you stay consistent with the look of your content, so it’s easily recognizable to your audience.
Alright, I’m hoping this broke open your creative side, and you’re on your way to thinking of the perfect name for your blog. Looking for more tips on blogging? I have a lot of free influencer resources here!

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