Although everyone is preparing their wardrobes for Fall, there are a handful of looks I want to share before summer ends. Don’t get me wrong, Fall is my favorite season of the year. But part of me is not ready for the time to change, the landscaping to die, and the cold winter around the corner. It’s funny how the best and worse seasons are right after each other!
Remember when I told you I loved these shorts so much I owned two pink pairs? Ok if not, you can see it styled in a brighter pink here. I think I love this blush version even more, now on sale for $29.99. I paired it with a basic white top with a fun fluttered sleeve and the straw tote I carried all summer long.
I’m working on Savannah travel content that I can’t wait to share with you. Speaking of the East Coast, I’m praying for you as Hurricane Florence storms through!
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If you’re ready for all the Fall fashion, don’t miss my Amazon Fall fashion try on video!
xo Amanda John

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