I’ve carried this LV Neverfull since 2016 and it’s been my everyday work tote since I started working as a physical therapist. I was shocked to find out that my work tote weighs #11.4. Let’s see whats inside!

I’m partnering up with eBay to share how you can score your own LV Neverfull, or other dream designer bags, through their Authenticate page. In order for a designer item to be featured on this page, the seller sends in the item to be verified and authenticated by handbag experts at eBay. So you can be 100% confident knowing you’re getting the real deal when shopping through authenticate. You can browse their huge selection of authentic handbags and can narrow down your search by designer and price point. You can see even more authentic bags by searching eBay and clicking authenticity verified on the left sidebar.
Not to mention, they’re currently having 20% off their authenticated bags this weekend through Sunday, April 21st!
eBay has a huge selection, so I recommend going through the sidebar and narrowing down your search based on the criteria you’re looking for. You can click buy it now if you don’t want to bid, or you can try to score a really good deal by watching and bidding on an item. I came across one listing where someone picked up a LV Neverfull for $500! Compared to other pre-loved sites, eBay provides more detail on the current condition of the bag. Each description lists out the condition of the inside and outside on the bag and a lot of pictures to see it as well.
I also found a few sizes of these adorable bow flats that sold out so quickly last year!
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And that’s everything I bring along to work with me. You can see how it’s changed from my last What’s in My Bag post where I also review the Louis Vuitton Neverfull if you want to research it a bit more!
Thank you to eBay for sponsoring todays post
Photography: Alexis Bruton
xo Amanda John

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